APTA's 100 Days of Service 

APTA's 100 days of service began on September 22. This is our way of giving back to our communities, promote collaboration with other APTA members, and raise awareness about the profession. Any community service is encouraged and contributes to our goal to positively impact society throughout this milestone year.

APTA is collaborating with Special Olympics, Go Baby Go, and Move Together for 100 Days of Service. If you’d like to volunteer in your community, there are many options. Visit the toolkits below for more information and service ideas or develop your own ideas.

Remember, movement is medicine, so let’s keep the members of our communities moving through service and raise awareness about the Physical Therapy profession!

Tell us how your are serving your community for a chance to be featured in APTA Colorado's e-newsletter! Send an email to us at [email protected] with a description and photos (optional).